GISSA ‘A’ Division Champion 2023 (HANDICAPS 0 – 18) Awarded to the player with the best Gross Score for the day
GISSA ‘A’ Division Best Nett 2023 (HANDICAPS 0 – 18)
Awarded to the player with the best Nett Score ‘Gross minus Handicap’
GISSA ‘B’ Division Stableford Winner (HANDICAPS 19 – 36)
Awarded to the player with the best stableford score for handicaps 19-36 Nearest the Pin Prizes for both divisions.
Note: Handicaps via your registered golflink number will be finalised at registration on the day of competition.
Players to register via Lonsdale Links Pro-Shop adjacent to first tee no later than 20 minutes before hit off time.
ALL Players will receive a ‘2023 GISSA Golf Championship’ welcome pack which includes a sandwich and drink, and other promotional items and gifts.
PLAYER REGISTRATION LINK: https://forms.gle/fh77CdNzfzyaUuGz8
Lonsdale Golf practice facilities open from 8.00am. Range balls available from pro-shop.
Player presentation at 2.00pm outside Lonsdale Links Clubhouse
Andrew Philp – Saint Ignatius College Sport Coordinator
Tournament Director
Email: philpa@ignatius.vic.edu.au Phone: 5251 1136
Email: admin@lonsdalelinks.com.au Phone: 5258 1955